Adam Hommey's Speakerphone ROCKS!





Speakerphone At Work
Got Your Hands Full?

I think you're wasting time at work.

Have you ever tried to surf the web, dig up an e-mail, or take handwritten notes while trying to hold the telephone receiver – especially when your boss’s boss or star client is on the phone?

If ever there was proof that people shouldn’t do two things at once, this is it! Either you have to surf, dig, and write with one hand, or you have to hold the phone to your head using your neck – which hurts like nobody’s business and is, in the long term, no good for your chiropractic health.

This especially doesn’t help if you have requested a headset and your boss won’t give you one because it’s “not in the budget” or “not essential for your job.”

Give me a break already!

People at work are the front-line soldiers of the Speakerphone Revolution! In work environments that demand more effort, more energy, and more output – when fewer resources, less money, and reduced staffs are increasingly the norm – speakerphone is the tool of liberation!


  • Emancipates you! With speakerphone, both hands are free so now you can write memos with one hand and check e-mail with the other…AND talk on the phone—ALL AT THE SAME TIME!
  • Protects your memory! Since callers who know you have them on speaker usually won’t say anything more than they have to, you will no longer be compromised by callers sharing “secrets” you don’t really care about, or should know about anyway—less you’ll be held accountable for later!
  • Saves your precious time! Similarly, when you place someone on speaker, it sends a message to some that your time is of the essence and that you probably don’t have a lot of time for idle chit-chat. Therefore, you don’t have to sit there for 45 minutes getting your ear talked off when you really need to get your project submitted by 2:30 today!

Are you convinced yet?

Finally...let's see how this is helping your local Pug population!

>> Pugs


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  Adam Hommey's Speakerphone ROCKS!

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